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Uniswap Foundation

Uniswap Foundation

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Uniswap Foundation's Monthly Roundup [June 2024]

June has been an eventful month at the Uniswap Foundation, marked by significant progress across our grant programs and intensive planning for UniDay in Brussels. In our commitment to transparency and community engagement, we’re thrilled to share the key developments from our team in June 2024.
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Announcing Grant Award to Panoptic for the gRHO Platform

We are excited to announce our latest grant allocation under the ‘Innovation’ category to Panoptic. This grant will support the development of a v4 Liquidity Interface, the gRHO platform, aimed at simplifying passive liquidity provision on Uniswap v4.
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Announcing Grant Award: Community Research Program

In this blog post, we announce a $512,000 grant awarded to Unit Zero Labs and Anthias Labs for the Uniswap Community Research Program, a continuation of last quarter’s grant to Allium, designed to drive deeper and more actionable research into the Uniswap ecosystem and broader DeFi landscape. We detail the program's mission, vision, structure, and next steps.\*
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Uniswap Foundation's Monthly Roundup [May 2024]

May has been a dynamic month at the Uniswap Foundation! In our commitment to transparency and community engagement, we’re excited to share the key developments from our team in May 2024.
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Uniswap Foundation: Summary Q1’2024 Financials

Continuing with our promise to provide financial transparency to the community, the Uniswap Foundation is excited to post the unaudited summary financials for the quarter ended March 31, 2024.
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Uniswap Foundation's Monthly Roundup [April 2024]

April has been an exciting month for us at the Uniswap Foundation! As part of our commitment to transparency, we're excited to share our first monthly roundup, highlighting key developments from our team in April 2024.
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Uniswap Foundation: Summary 2023 Financials

In the spirit of providing financial transparency to the community, the Uniswap Foundation is excited to commence a regular cadence of financial updates starting with the unaudited summary results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2023.
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Announcing New Grant to Auditless for the Protocol Grants Program

Last week, we announced two new funding categories at the Uniswap Foundation: Protocol and Security. Today, we’re excited to unveil a $1.2M grant to Auditless to lead the Protocol Grants Program. This Program will identify opportunities to expand and strengthen the protocol tech stack, design grants to achieve new opportunities, and then work closely with grantees to execute.
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Announcing Uniswap Foundation’s New Funding Categories: Protocol and Security

As Uniswap’s ecosystem has grown, the Uniswap Foundation has identified an opportunity to support future innovation of the Protocol itself and to strengthen feedback loops between our stakeholders and protocol development. Today, we are announcing the creation of two new funding categories, Protocol and Security, which will be endowed with ~$4.7M through 2024.