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Uniswap Foundation

Uniswap Foundation

The Uniswap Foundation supports the growth, decentralization, and sustainability of the Uniswap community.
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Unichain Request for Builders

Uniswap Foundation
11 hours ago
From real world assets to stable pools: 10 ideas for builders to begin pushing the boundaries of DeFi on Unichain.
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Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Fahad Saleh's Mission to Connect Crypto and Academia

Fahad Saleh co-created the CBER Forum and CtCe initiative to bridge the gap between academic research and the ever-evolving crypto industry, with the ultimate goal of establishing coherent knowledge that can influence policy and drive innovation.
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Guillaume Lambert On Panoptic’s Vision of Revolutionizing the LP Experience

Many builders in the Uniswap ecosystem come from diverse backgrounds. In my conversation with Panoptic's CEO, Guillaume Lambert, we explored how his academic physics background led him to discover the "cheat code" hidden within Uniswap v3—creating a new paradigm for options trading and revolutionizing passive LP experiences through Panoptic's gRHO liquidity interface.
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Kassandra.eth on Building the Future of Onchain liquidity Management with Arrakis

I sat down with kassandra.eth, co-founder of Arrakis Finance, to discuss his journey from self-taught programmer to DeFi builder. Our conversation explored his early fascination with cryptography, the evolution of Arrakis, and their vision for the future of on-chain liquidity management with Uniswap v4.
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Establishing Hook Data Standards in Uni v4: A Guide for Developers and Analysts

As we covered in the previous v4 data guide, hooks are the defining feature of Uniswap v4. They enable developers to customize and extend the behavior of liquidity pools. In this guide, we aim to establish a standard for hook developers, hook data indexers, and analysts, such that all users, from developers and LPs to analysts, can use the same shared framework when it comes to hook data.
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Announcing the First Unichain Infinite Hackathon Winners: Unipump and Prediction Market Hook

We're thrilled to announce the first winners of Unichain’s Infinite Hackathon, our ongoing initiative to discover and support high-potential projects being built across the Uniswap ecosystem.
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Grant Update: Panoptic’s gRHO Platform Launches on Uniswap v4

We are pleased to provide an update on the $379,000 Innovation grant committed to Panoptic in July 2024. The grant supported the development of gRHO, a liquidity interface for Uniswap v4 passive liquidity provisioning. The interface will be made open source and forkable in Q2 2025.
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Getty Hill on Building Better DeFi UX with GFX Labs

I sat down with Getty Hill, co-founder of GFX Labs, to discuss his journey from traditional prop trading to becoming a key builder in the Uniswap ecosystem. Our conversation explored how his trading background shaped GFX Labs' approach to DeFi, the evolution of their Oku interface, and his vision for making DeFi more accessible while preserving its sophisticated capabilities.
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Grant Update: UFSF Welcomes 16 Security Providers to Areta's Audit Marketplace

In October 2024, we announced a $1.2M commitment to Areta to create the Uniswap Foundation Security Fund to improve access to security audits for hook builders. Since then, the UFSF has committed to subsidizing audits for nine hook teams, and have opened applications for the second round of recipients. Today, we’re thrilled to  announce the 16 audit providers that make this initiative possible.